Tahniah kepada pemenang Churp2Race
Hari ini keputusan Churp2Race telah diumumkan dan tahniah kepada pememang. Sop pada peringkat awal join telah jauh ketinggalan dalam pertandingan ini. Adalah sukar menyaingi blogger yang mempunyai pengikut yang ramai. Bayangkan ketinggalan beribu kilometer, bagaimana hendak mengejar?
Mungkin boleh sertai dalam pertandingan berbentuk lain.
Berikut adalah emel mengenai pengumuman pemenang Churp2Race tersebut:
Mungkin boleh sertai dalam pertandingan berbentuk lain.
Berikut adalah emel mengenai pengumuman pemenang Churp2Race tersebut:
Phew! What an intense race The Great Race was!
Thank you so much for all your support throughout the race and we truly appreciate your awesome love and sharing during the #Churp2Race! For those who didn't, don't worry as there are more exciting things to come and don't miss out on those! For the new Churpers, welcome to the family and we hope you've started sharing all the awesome news, trends and promotions you see on our page!
Let's extend our greatest congratulations to the Top 3 Racers of The Great Race! *drumroll*
The Second Runner-Up winning an iPod Touch 32GB with 75, 510 KMs collected is - Leslie Cheng!
The First Runner-Up winning a BlackBerry Bold 3 with 76, 039 KMs collected is - Wong Be Keong!
Grand Prize winner winning an iPad 2 32GB with 81, 616 KMs is Yusuf @ Himpunan Lawak Jenaka!
Once again, congratulations to all the winners! We've also sent the details to the consolation prize winners so don't forget to collect your prizes! :)
Jacqueline Rowena
Churp Churp Relations Dept.