16 July 2009

Download rapidshare with premium link generator

Hari ni aku nak kongsi antara web yang menyediakan perkhidmatan download dari rapidshare secara percuma tanpa menunggu atau akaun premium. jika anda search menggunakan google, memang banyak yang menyediakan perkhidmatan ini tetapi berapa web yang beffungsi?

Salah satu web yang aku guna ialah www.rapid8.com dan setakat ini masih berfungsi.
berikut maklumat tentang rapid8.com:

Welcome to Rapid8.Com - RapidIt!. We allow you to download any files shared and hosted on RapidShare, Megaupload, MegaShares, Easy-Share, MegaVideo, MegaPorn Video, NetLoad.in(*NEW*) and Hotfile(*NEW*) directly. Use it at work, school and home effortlessly. The best thing is that we are free and simple to use, so check it out and tell your friends! Click on the little Blue Question Mark below for help. Contact Us if you need assistant.

Total RapidShare Accounts : 14 (193,114 MB Remaining)

Total Downloads : 638,371

Download slots are UNLIMITED today!
Warning: Peak Hour Now!
You may experience some slowness in downloading. Be patient and be considerate.

Semoga berjaya mendownload...
